Susan – a personal account
Secondary progressive MS
“When my wonderful neuro-physio told me that a new aid, a Mollii suit, had just been licensed in England and asked me whether I would like to attend a trial session, I was dubious whether anything could help my significant deterioration with secondary progressive MS, which was unilateral. My right leg and hand are affected.
The trial showed immediate and dramatic changes. Before the trial session, my walking was significantly slower. As well as wishing to improve that, I had also said that it was important for me to be able to pin up my long hair and that this was becoming harder and harder, as my right arm was weak. Immediately after the trial I was able to lift my right arm dramatically higher. Putting my hair up became possible.
We decided to buy the Mollii suit, a financial undertaking we did not take lightly over three years ago. We have been impressed by the after-care service we received: quick responses to practical issues; thorough reviews which allow for adjustment, and for checking the suit technically. The team at Remotion are comprehensively helpful and supportive. Having invested significantly in this brilliant piece of kit, we have been reassured over the years by their long-term commitment to us, the patient and the carer.
Because of my MS I find it hard to get into the suit, and my husband has to help me do up the front jacket zip. I have been finding it more difficult to get in and out of the car as I get older, and I asked at a recent review if adjustments could be made to aid this. These adjustments were efficiently made and I expect to see improvements very soon.
For those considering trying a Mollii suit, I would say that you should not expect a miracle cure, but I would recommend both the suit and the after-care support enthusiastically. In conjunction with my wonderful neuro-physio, exercise, and the use of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), the Mollii suit continues to make my mobility as good as it can possibly be. I am quite sure that I would be on a different trajectory now had it not been for my physio, the FES, and the Mollii suit.”